Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!!!

Ok, I am sorry that this has taken me so long. We just finished are 2008 Ladies Retreat and it was such a blessing. Lindsey and I have just has to recover. On Monday we went to the doctor. Lindsey weighs 13.7 pounds and is 25 inches long. We had a few more shots and she did really good. I was able to make about a two hour trip to see my good friend, Alicia. That was fun even though we got back home really late. Ok, here goes...Seven random things about my self.
1. I was born in Okinawa, Japan on November 1, 1976. A little fact about my birthday that I did not even know when I was growing up is that Mrs. Caroline Roberson's birthday was also November 1st.
2. In the one and only Fine Arts Competition that I competed in I won 5th place in Piano Solo.
3. Until I was in 10th grade. I had only been as far east as Coeur d' Alene, ID.
4. My good friend in Tennessee taught me how to make purses out of place mats.
5. I had to opportunity to spend one of my go-home weekends in college with Bro. Steve and Mrs. Judy Robertson in North Carolina. We went to a Wake Forest Basketball game, shopping at the mall and out to eat at a Mexican restaurant, watched Anne of Green Gables and went to Basketball practice.
6. I have only lived in four places, Okinawa, Japan, Spokane, Wa, Powell, Tn, and Lancaster, Ca.
7. My family comes from a small town in Ireland named (of all things) Boyle, Ireland.
Well, I hope that you enjoyed those fun facts...I tag...
1. Jackie
2. Belinda
3. Cyndi
4. Amy K.


Rachel Smith said...

Interesting about the town in Ireland. Is it named after your family or did they just happen to live there?

Joy said...

Neat! Who taught you how to make the purses? Alicia told me about that. I want to teach my girls in Keepers Club sometime (once I learn myself).

Shane and Kristy Davis said...

How neat that you were born in Japan.