Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby Update!!

OK, so I have to post tonight before my blog is a month old. It has been a busy month and many things have been going on. Today, we had a doctor's appointment and things seem to be going well. He said that the baby is growing fast and the heartbeat was great. I had to have a glucose test and did not pass so I have to have the big three hour test to see if my levels are ok. We scanned the pictures of Lindsey but they are on my Mom's computer. Mom and Dad have been out of town in Canada so hopefully she will be able to e-mail them to me and I can post them. Tomorrow night is a surprise birthday party and Saturday could be a funeral for a dear family friend so I'd better go. Have a great day and thank you for checking in with our family.

1 comment:

The Pepin Family said...

I had to take the 3-hour test with all three pregnancies! No fun! Just take a good book with you! :)