Tuesday, September 11, 2007

FBA Kindergarten Classroom Theme: Cowboy and Cowgirls

I know this post is so long over due. We have been so busy. Here are a few pictures of my classroom. I was looking for a new theme this year. I came up with a Western Theme and Cowboys and Cowgirls. I hope you enjoy these pictures.This is the right side of the chalkboard. The easel that my husband painted for me and the flags that we use for our pledges.
My class. We have nine students in our class. Four girls and Five boys. Five English speaking students and Four Russian speaking students. This class is a little older than the last class. I have a few students who are already six. This makes a difference in the personality of the class. We are already having a great time.
These are our sticker charts. They are doing a great job and learning so many things. By the time we take a nap they are ready to sleep. We will only take a nap until November. Then we will just have too much to do.
This is our good work board. We have not had any graded papers yet so we are waiting for our first ones.
This is the main bulletin board that will be changed every month. The next one will be a fall theme. I will post more pictures of the next boards.
This is the left side of the chalkboard with our color crayons and Sparky the pointer dog. We are now in the third week of school. We have had a few challenges but we are learning so many knew thing academically, behaviors and socially. Please pray for our class this year.


wilkersonhome said...

Your classroom looks great! I'm seeing some of the same items on the wall in my house :) (Hope is in Kindergarten this year.) Love the Western theme, too.

Joy said...

How fun and creative! I think I would love the "decorating" aspect of teaching. :) You have some really great ideas.

Alicia Reagan said...

How neat! I am loving teaching school to Briley and Caleb this year. We will start our third week on Monday and they are doing great. Being a teacher is fun!!